Progressive – Making things better each day
Ø Business Awareness / Commercial Judgement
Accountable – Doing what we say we will for the customer
Ø Accuracy and Attention to Detail
Ø Concern for Order and Detail
Collaborative – People working together
Effective – Getting best value from our resources
Ø Analytical Thinking/ Problem Solving
Change Management
The ability to drive through and gain commitment to change, to evaluate the change and ensure objectives are still relevant. It is about managing the pace of change, understanding what it takes to achieve the change and seeing change from an individual as well as team perspective.
Ø Tell me about a major change, which you have been involved in. What was your role? What were the significant levers for this change – why was it needed?
Ø What are the main change requirements in your current operation? What is happening about them? What is your role?
Ø Describe a time when you changed your mind on an important issue, problem, or situation. What made you decide to change? Was it difficult for you to change your position? What did you learn?
Ø Tell me about a time you were assigned a project you had to complete very quickly, yet you did not have all the information you needed. What did you do? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about a recent project you worked on or managed, and the systems and processes you put in place to ensure the project delivered on its objectives.
Ø Tell me about a complex work process you re-engineered. How was this received? How did the change affect the overall process?
Ø Tell me about a time when you had an idea that required significant change. Were you successful in driving this change? What were the elements of your strategy that made this change successful? How did you identify stakeholders? What was your communication plan?
Ø Give me an example of when you had to react to a change. What did you do to manage yourself through this change? What did you do to help others through the change?
Ø Not all change is easily understood. Tell me of a time when you were involved in a change that was difficult to understand. What was your role? What did you do to clarify the need for change? For yourself? For others?
Ø Tell me about a time when you ran into resistance to change. What did you do? Were you able to overcome the resistance? What did you learn from the experience?
Strategic Thinking
Is able to challenge pre-existing assumptions, rules and procedures and suggests alternatives to create a more effective solution to organisational opportunities, challenges and problems. Thinks ahead, adding value and innovates for the future. Effective at both strategy formulation and execution.
Ø How did you go about putting together your last strategic plan?
Ø Give an example of a strategic decision you have made which was unsuccessful?
Ø Give an example of a strategic decision you have made within the past 12 months which was successful?
Ø Who do you consult with to develop strategy?
Ø How important do you feel a strategy is to the success of the business? Why?
Ø What new, radical or innovative ideas have you generated at work to support company strategy?
Ø How do you ensure that your departmental strategy is aligned with that of the business?
Ø Can you describe a recent occasion when you solved a business problem in an unconventional way?
Ø How do you motivate your team and encourage them to present their own ideas when attempting to solve a problem/complete a task?
Ø Tell me about one of the most important business “problems” you are currently facing. Why is it
Ø What is the key business issue facing your group in the next ___ months?
Ø Tell me about a time you, or your group, thought you had a problem, but came to believe the “problem” was simply a symptom. How did you determine this? What did you do?
Ø Tell me about a time someone suggested a solution as a “quick fix,” but you believed it was only a “band-aid.” Why did you think this? What did you do? What was the outcome?
Business Awareness / Commercial Judgement
An awareness and understanding of what is going on outside one’s own area of work – the demonstration of the link between own role, the broader objectives of the business and market opportunities for service. It is also an awareness of how one’s own actions impact on the business.
Ø Give me an example of how your role contributes to the achievement of KPIs / SLAs?
Ø Have you been tempted to use a short-term solution to solve a problem?
Ø Tell me about a time when you used resources in an efficient way?
Ø Have made suggestions to improve efficiency?
Commercial Awareness
A concern for the bottom line and focus on delivering the results which will enhance the overall profitability / performance of the business. It is a demonstration to get best value, fit for purpose, assessing cost benefit, looking for the best long-term answer not immediate fix.
Ø Give me an example of how your role contributes to the achievement of KPIs?
Ø Have you been tempted to use a short-term solution to solve a problem?
Ø Tell me about a time when you used resources in an efficient way?
Ø Have made suggestions to improve efficiency?
Ø Tell me what you think are the most important metrics for measuring the success of your work. How do you measure these? How do you take corrective action? How do you make adjustments?
Ø Tell me about a time you and an outside partner had to work together on a project and you disagreed on what to do. How did you handle this situation? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about the toughest negotiation you’ve been in. Why was it so tough? How did you deal with it? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about the last significant conflict you needed to deal with. How long did the conflict continue? How was it resolved?
Personal Drive
Is the drive to meet challenges and to do things even better, to keep meeting and exceeding goals. It is about striving for excellence and continuous improvements and challenging the status quo.
Ø Tell me about a time when you put forward an idea or suggestion that was rejected. How did you deal with it?
Ø Have you identified any development needs in yourself?
Ø Tell me about a time you took a risk and it did / did not pay off
Ø Describe a situation when you were too persistent in selling an idea, what did you learn?
Ø Tell me about a time when you have had to cope with disappointment
Ø What are your career goals in the next five years? What have you done to accomplish them? What would be your normal career path to reach that goal? [Look for evidence of preparation for the next/immediate position.]
Ø All jobs have their frustrations and problems. Describe some examples of specific job conditions, tasks or assignments that you have found frustrating.
Ø Give me an example of when you worked the hardest and felt the greatest sense of achievement.
Ø We have all had times when we drag ourselves out of bed in the morning and we questioned whether the job was worth it. When did you last feel like that? Why?
Ø When was the last time you jumped out of bed because you couldn’t wait to get to work? Why?
Ø What have been the most important events or people in your own development?
Ø Tell me about the most exciting “breakthroughs” you ever achieved on a project or assignment. What was involved and why do you consider it a breakthrough?
Ø Tell me about a time when you received constructive negative feedback from someone. How did you handle it? What was the outcome?
Ø What have you done in the past year to develop your skills and abilities?
Ø Tell me about a time you failed at something. What was the outcome?
Self Confidence
Is the justified belief in one’s own capability to accomplish a task and select an effective approach to a task or a problem: demonstrating that belief without arrogance towards or intolerance of others.
Ø Can you tell me about a time when your self-confidence has been particularly challenged?
Ø Self confidence can help us all when we need to get things done, could you tell me about a time when a little more confidence would have helped you?
Ø Can you tell me about a work situation with which you are particularly confident? Could you give me a specific example? What is it about this, which makes you confident?
Ø Can you tell me about a work situation with which you are not so confident? Could you give me a specific example? What is it about this, which makes you less confident?
Ø Tell me about the last time you were extremely frustrated. Did you let others know you were frustrated? How did you work through this frustrating situation?
Ø Tell me about the most assertive and/or dominant person you’ve worked with. What was the person like? How did you go about working with them?
Ø What do you think you are good at? What do you wish you were better at? How are you working to improve it?
Ø Tell me about a time when you took on what was for you a significant risk. What was the situation? How did you determine it was worth taking the risk? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about a time you found yourself avoiding dealing with a problem or situation because you knew it was going to be tough. What was the situation? How did you deal with it? What was the outcome?
Is the ability to think and implement new and creative ways of doing things and of solving problems in order to improve organisational performance.
Ø Tell me about a time when you introduced a new idea which you have seen operating elsewhere?
Ø Sometimes, we all get flashes of inspiration in the middle of the night. Can you think of a time when you have suddenly realised that you could solve a problem, perhaps with an unusual approach?
Ø We all have problems at work from time to time – whether it’s a system or a process or something else – can you tell me about what is making your life at work more difficult than it needs to be? How is it a problem? What action or ideas have you had to resolve the problem?
Ø Can you tell me about an idea that you have implemented that has saved you – or others – valuable time?
Ø Can you tell me about an idea that you’ve had that could save you – or others – valuable time? What steps have you taken to implement it?
Ø What ideas do you have to improve the quality of your work and your productivity? Is there anything that stops you from getting these implemented?
Ø Tell me how you keep your employees from getting stagnant, from getting caught up in the daily routine? What do you do to encourage them to think “outside the box”?
Is the ability to think and act ahead, spotting problems and opportunities before they arise and acting before being forced to by events or circumstances. It is about looking ahead, being proactive, not waiting to be told, anticipating events and being a self-starter.
Ø Talk me through how you got to your current job
Ø Describe a situation where you identified a small problem before it became a big problem
Ø Have you made any suggestions to improve work processes? Which were accepted? How did you get them accepted?
Ø Give me an example of where you have done more than is actually required in your current role
Ø Tell me about a situation when you have had to take immediate action
Ø Tell me about a situation when everything has failed. What happened next?
Ø How have you found ways to make your job more rewarding? Examples.
Ø Tell me about a time you saw an opportunity that required immediate action or the opportunity would be lost. What did you do?
Decision Making
Accepts accountability for outcomes of decisions made and understands the business and uses this to make sound judgements. Maintains credibility when offering advice/making decisions and identifies options and alternatives when analysing and determining solutions/outcomes.
Ø What are some examples of important decisions or recommendations you are called upon to make?
Ø What type of decisions do you have to make on a daily basis?
Ø Tell me about the toughest decision you’ve made in the last 6 months. Why was it tough? What did you consider when making this decision? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about the worst decision you’ve made in the last 2 years. Why do you think the decision was poor? How would you handle it differently now?
Ø Tell me about the best decision you’ve made in the last 2 years. What did you consider when making this decision (i.e., relevant data you may have considered)?
Ø Tell me about the riskiest decision you’ve made. Why was it risky? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about a decision you didn’t make and/or delayed or avoided making?
Is a concern to act in a way that is consistent with what one says and the values of the organisation.
Ø In the constantly changing world we now occupy, the rules sometimes do not keep pace with the business needs. We have all had to bend or disregard a rule at some time to get the job done. Can you give me an example of a situation when you have had to do this?
Ø Everyone feels that one or more of their organisation’s rules are too strict or even unnecessary. Can you give me an example of a company procedure/rule that you disagree with? What would you change it to?
Ø Have you ever refused to purchase/use/recommend a product because you knew it was not needed? Explain.
Ø Everyone makes mistakes. Can you tell me about something you have done which was a mistake? How did you explain this? What did you learn?
Ø Tell me about the most adverse situation you’ve ever had at work, one where your basic beliefs about what’s right were challenged. What was the situation? What was the outcome?
Is the ability to critically examine facts, opinions and assumptions in order to take effective decisions or make valid judgements. It includes having confidence in one’s decisions and being prepared to make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions and to stand by them.
Ø Describe a situation where you have made an unpopular decision?
Ø Tell me about a time when you have had to think on your feet to provide a fast response
Ø Describe a time in which you weighed the pros and cons of a situation and decided not to take action?
Ø Describe a time when you decided not to take action, even though you were under pressure to do so. Why?
Ø What were the biggest decisions you made in the last year? Tell me how you went about them. What alternatives did you consider?
Ø Describe an occasion when you have included subordinates or others in your decision-making. To what extent were you influenced by their input?
Ø Can you think of a situation you had to handle in which the old solutions did not work? What did you do?
Ø Describe a recent decision that carried more than the usual element of risk.
Ø Tell me about the most difficult decision you have made in the last six months. What made it difficult? How did you feel?
Ø Some decisions are easier to make than others. Give an example of a decision which on the surface may have looked like a ‘spur of the moment’ one. Why did you make it so quickly? Why were you so certain, so quickly that it was the right course of action?
Ø Sometimes we do not have all the information before we are pressured into making a decision. Can you think of a time? Tell me about it. Why did you make the decision? How did you feel? Was it the right decision?
Risk management
Methodically address risks attached to the organisation’s activities to maximise successes and is able to identify areas of risk and build action plans to manage risks. Aware of implications for other staff in decisions made and decisive even in times of change and challenge, taking measured risks as appropriate.
Ø What experience do you have that shows you are capable of creative risk-taking?
Ø What do you do when there is a decision to be made and no procedure exists?
Ø What do you think is the greatest risk to our organisation in today’s current business climate?
Planning and Organising
Is the ability to establish a course of action for self and others to accomplish specific goals and to set priorities that take into account short and long-term business needs. It involves setting out for self and others what needs to happen, how and by when. It includes prioritising, anticipation of events and time management.
Ø How do you keep track of the work in your department? Talk me through the process. How could it be improved? When was the last time the process was amended/changed in any way?
Ø Tell me about your team’s record on meeting deadlines. Which was the last one they met? Were there any particular difficulties?
Ø Describe a typical day/week
Ø How do you schedule your time?
Ø Describe your methodology for project estimation and scheduling. What strategy do you have to meet deadlines? How do you measure progress of a project?
Ø Tell me about a time when your schedule / plans were upset by unforeseen circumstances
Ø How do you establish objectives / deliverables?
Ø How do you allocate resources?
Ø How do you cope with the unexpected?
Ø How do you determine priorities?
Ø What do you do to keep track of items, which need your attention?
Ø What are your objectives for this year? Who else knows them? What are you doing to see they are achieved?
Ø What were your objectives for last year? Were they achieved? How?
Ø Tell me about a time that required all things to be done at the same time. How did you handle it? What was the result? What could have been improved?
Ø Describe some times when you have been particularly busy at work. How did you schedule your time?
Ø We all have times when our schedules are upset by unforeseen circumstances. Give me a recent example. What did you do? How did you feel? What did you learn?
Ø Tell me about a project you owned that crossed group or divisional boundaries. How did you keep the important parties informed? What problems did you encounter (e.g., in organizing resources, coordinating schedules, etc.)? What were your solutions?
Ø Tell me about a project you had to plan, organize and coordinate from beginning to end. Was it successful? Give me an overview of how you planned, organized and coordinated it. If you had it to do over, what would you do differently?
Accuracy and Attention to Detail
Ensures work is carried out to the required standard and within required timeframes, working precisely and avoids errors. Work is presented in a suitable format for its use and all data is reliable.
Ø Explain how you ensure your work is free from errors?
Ø Can you give an example of an element of your work, which requires you to fully concentrate to ensure accuracy of results?
Ø Give an example of a project you have had to keep track of and how you did this?
Ø What methods do you use for checking your work to ensure its reliability?
Ø Can you give me an example of when you have dealt with a heavy workload and you have had to prioritise your tasks to ensure accuracy/attention to detail is maintained?
Ø Tell me about one of the most exciting “breakthroughs” you recently achieved on a project or assignment. What was involved and why do you consider it a breakthrough?
Ø Tell me about your most intellectually challenging or difficult problem. Why was it difficult? How did you work through it? How did it turn out?
Ø Tell me about a time you found someone else’s program, idea, or service to be wrong or flawed. How did you figure out that it was flawed?
Ø Tell me about the most difficult problem you had to solve in the past year. Did you make this decision alone or did you engage others in the decision? Why did you approach it this way?
Ø What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about the last time you had to escalate a problem to a higher level. What was the situation? What actions did you take before escalating it? What was the outcome? In retrospect, how would you handle this differently, if at all?
Ø Tell me about a situation where your analysis of a problem crossed organizational boundaries. How did you approach this? What was the outcome?
Concern for Order and Detail
Reflects a concern to work quickly and accurately and keep a well-ordered work environment. It is about paying attention to fine detail and maintaining high standards. It involves monitoring and checking work, meeting standards and following set procedures.
Ø Many organisations operate a clear desk policy. If this were enforced in your area tomorrow, what would you need to do?
Ø How do you keep track of the work in your department?
Ø Talk me through the process?
Ø How could it be improved?
Ø When was the last time the process was amended/changed in any way?
Ø Tell me about your team’s record on meeting deadlines.
Ø Which was the last one they met?
Ø Were there any particular difficulties?
Ø As above, … failed to meet.
Ø How often do you meet formally with your team? What do you do? What regular reporting does your team do?
Communication / Clarity
The ability and the desire to communicate with others, either in writing or verbally to ensure understanding.
Ø Have you ever done any public speaking? (Get examples) How did you prepare? What were your objectives? How successful were you? How do you know? Did you have to side step any questions? What kind of feedback did you get?
Ø Tell me about a time you have had to communicate with a difficult group?
Ø What approaches have you used in talking to different audiences?
Ø Tell me about a time when you have had to relay a difficult message?
Ø Tell me about something new or a change in your area, how did you communicate it?
Ø How do you gain support?
Ø What kinds of writing have you done, can you give me some examples (follow up on one example). How did you approach it? Tell me about the content and the reactions you got?
Ø Have you ever written letters to answer complaints? Expand.
Ø What kind of forms do you regularly complete in your current job?
Ø Have you ever written any procedures or policies for use by a customer/client or by your own area/department/organisation? Tell me about them.
Ø What is it about your communication style, which makes you successful?
Ø Describe the approach taken when communicating to staff / client
Ø Tell me about a project in which you needed to keep others informed. How did you do this? Was it effective? How did you know your communication was effective?
Ø What is the most senior and/or challenging audience you have ever faced? What did you speak about? Who was the audience? How did you prepare for this? What was the outcome?
Ø Tell me about a job experience you’ve had when people weren’t open or speaking up. Why weren’t they being open? How did you handle with this?
Ø Tell me about an emotionally charged meeting or other situation you have been involved in where people had different perspectives or ideas. What did you do? What was the outcome?
Customer Focus
The desire to identify, understand and give priority to meeting the needs of the internal and external customers. It implies a desire to provide excellent customer service and to truly believe in ‘Think Customer, Act Customer’.
Ø Have you ever had to go the extra mile to satisfy a customer? Explain.
Ø How do you know if your customers are satisfied?
Ø It is not always possible to be able to satisfactorily resolve a customer/client’s query or problem within your team. Can you think of a time when you have had to involve or enlist the help of others outside your team to help solve a customer/client’s problem?
Ø Contrast for me times when you have been effective handling customer complaints and times when you were not. What did you do differently in these situations?
Ø Tell me about a particularly difficult requirement from a customer or a difficult customer that you have had to deal with. Why was he/she/it difficult? What did you do?
Ø Sooner or later we all have to deal with a customer with unreasonable demands. Think of a time when you have had to handle an unreasonable request.
Ø Who are your customers? How do you determine their needs? How do you meet their needs?
Ø How have you anticipated changes in your customer’s needs and expectations? How have you gotten data when your customer’s needs were changing?
Ø If I were to tell you your customer isn’t happy, what specific evidence and/or data would you give me to prove otherwise?
The ability to handle change and adapt to new situations, incorporating this positively within the work environment. It also involves adapting one’s approach as the requirements of a situation change and accepting changes in one’s own organisation.
Ø Describe a major change you have been part of?
Ø Tell me about a situation when you have had to adjust quickly to change or change of direction? What did you do? How did it affect you?
Ø Tell me about a situation when you have had to adjust quickly to a change in the area/function/organisation’s priorities?
Ø I see that you have moved jobs a number of times. What was the most difficult problem you have had to face? How did you deal with it? What did you do?
The ability and desire to communicate with others, to ensure they understand what is being said and where necessary to gain their agreement and acceptance. Implies an intention to persuade, convince and influence others. It involves winning people over using a range of tactics and approaches, and generally being concerned about one’s own impact on others.
Ø Tell me about a new policy or new idea you have introduced. What did you have to do to get it accepted – by your superiors/peers?
Ø Tell me about the last meeting you had with your team. What was the purpose of the meeting? How was it run? What was your role? Did it achieve its objective?
Ø Tell me about a time when you had to persuade a tough group to agree to something? Explain.
Ø The proverb says, “A wise man learns from his mistakes”. What is the most important lesson you have learned about Communication? Example? How did you learn?
Ø Tell me about a time you have had to communicate with a difficult group?
Ø What approaches have you used in talking to different audiences?
Ø Tell me about a difficult 1-1 meeting you have had. Why was it difficult? How did you handle it?
Ø Describe a situation in which you have had to arrive at a compromise or guide others to a compromise.
Relationship Building
Is the ability to build and maintain reciprocal and effective working relationships with networks of people who may be useful to the organisation in achieving its business goals.
Ø We all have examples of people who have made our lives a little difficult at work. Could you tell me about a time when this has been true for you? What was it that made it difficult? What steps were taken by you or the other party to improve the situation?
Ø Could you tell me about any working relationships you have fostered to enable you to better accomplish organisational goals? How did you identify these people? What steps did you take to build these relationships?
Ø When you started your current role, who was responsible for introducing you around and helping you build your network of contacts? (Look for self-responsibility)……
Ø How would you deal with a difficult client
Ø Tell me about the last time you needed to gain support for an idea or program. How did you go about doing this?
Ø Tell me about the last time you had to get people in different groups to work together. How did you go about doing this? Was it effective?
Ø Tell me about the most difficult situation you have experienced with a senior manager or executive. Why was it difficult? What did you do? What was the outcome?
Organisational Commitment
Is the ability, and willingness, to support the organisation’s priorities and goals.
Ø Can you tell me about a time when you have had to go the extra mile to help the company meet its goals? What specifically did you do?
Ø Sometimes we have a conflict between our work life and our home life. Can you tell me about a time when this has been true for you? How did you handle this?
Ø It can be a real challenge meeting goals, particularly when there are outside pressures. Can you tell me about a time when you were not able to meet a goal because of other commitments outside the company? What did you do about it?
Analytical Thinking/ Problem Solving
The ability to understand a problem by breaking it down into smaller parts and identifying the key issues and solutions. It also involves tracking the implications of a situation in a logical step-by step way and understanding cause and effect relationship (if ® then).
Ø Describe the biggest problem you have faced in the last six months [or in your career]? How did you handle it?
Ø How do you gather information in your job?
Ø Tell me about a time when you have made a decision without having all the information?
Ø What’s the biggest challenge you have had when gathering information?
Ø What sources of information do you use to keep aware of problems within your Team/area/department?
Ø What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?
Ø Can you tell me about a time when you have been able to identify a small problem and resolve it before it became a big one?
Ø Tell me about the most satisfying problem you have resolved? Contrast that with a time when you were ‘stumped’. What did you do differently?
The ability to use teams and subordinates effectively. It is the ability to recognise the development opportunity that delegation of tasks and projects can provide to team members. It is also the involvement of people in the team in decisions and thereby obtaining their commitment to the decisions being taken.
Ø Who is minding the shop while you are here? How was he/she selected? Why? How will you know how well he/she has performed?
Ø Tell me about one of your successes in delegating responsibility? Why?
Ø All of us have been in a situation where we assigned work to other people and they did not do what we had intended. Can you tell me about one such example? Why did it happen? [Look for unclear instructions, assignments to inappropriate person, lack of deadline dates, lack of monitoring/control etc.]
Ø What has stopped you delegating more? Why?
Ø What about your biggest mistake in not delegating? What happened?
Ø Tell me about a recent time when you chose to delegate responsibility/authority? How did it work out?
Development of Others
The ability to develop the skill and capabilities of others through training and development activities related to the current and future job/business requirements. It involves assessing the capability of others, giving timely and constructive feedback, delegating challenging assignments and supporting the development of others in the short and long term.
Ø Tell me about the strongest/weakest members of the team. Tell me about his/her strengths and weaknesses. What did you do to develop him/her?
Ø Have you ever tried to develop someone and it did not work?
Ø Tell me how you go about identifying training and development needs.
Ø What is the greatest success in your team?
Ø Describe different tactics you have used to develop your staff – what has been most/least effective?
Ø What on-the-job training have you carried out? What steps did you follow? How did you prepare and how effective was it? How did you know?
Ø If you were promoted tomorrow, do you have a replacement? What did you do to develop him/her?
Ø Go over each of your subordinates and tell me your goals for each. What action have you taken to help them achieve those goals?
Ø Tell me about one of the most high-potential people you’ve had an opportunity to work with. What did you do to support the person’s development?
Ø Tell me about a time you
had to discipline an employee. What was your approach to the conversation? What
was your strategy? What was the outcome?
Tell me how you have identified and developed high-potential people within your
Ø How often do you give feedback to your direct reports (i.e., in person, e-mail, phone, etc.)? How often do you meet with your direct reports 1:1? Who determines the content for the meeting?
Ø Note: This question can also be asked of an employee about their manager (e.g., how do you communicate with your manager? How often? At what point do you seek out feedback?)
Ø Tell me about a time when you had to diagnose a performance issue. What steps did you take?
Ø Describe a time when you had to deliver tough feedback. How did you plan for it? What did you do? What was the result?
Interpersonal Sensitivity
Is the ability to understand other people, to accurately hear and understand the unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings and concerns of others.
Ø We have all tried different ways of showing consideration for others. What are some of the things you have actually done at work for other people?
Ø What unpopular decisions have you made recently? How did you communicate that decision? How did that make you feel? How did the recipients feel? How do you know?
Ø When dealing with individuals or groups, how do you determine when you are pushing too hard? How do you know when you should back off? Give an example.
Ø We have all had to work with someone who us very difficult to get along with. Can you think of someone? No names needed. Give an example. Why was this person difficult? How did you handle that person?
Ø How have you gone about developing rapport with colleagues from other parts of the organisation? Examples.
Ø We all know the phrase ‘’Easy with hindsight’’. Tell me about a time/situation when you wished you had acted differently with someone at work. What did you do? What happened? How did you feel? What did you learn? Did you get an opportunity to do things differently?
Ø Tell me about a time when you observed others getting frustrated. Were you able to do anything to get them moving forward?
Ø Tell me about the most serious disagreement you have had with a co-worker. How did you handle this? What was the resolution?
Ø Tell me about a time when you knew, or had access to, sensitive information, and people were pressuring you to reveal it. What would have been the consequences of divulging it? How did you handle the situation?
Ø Tell me about a situation when it was necessary for you to have the trust of others. What was the situation? How did you know that others perceived you as trustworthy?
Ø Tell me about a time when you needed to take action or make a decision, and consideration of fairness was important. What did you do? What was the outcome?
Is the ability to develop a sense of unity and purpose, to influence others and direct them towards the goals of the organisation without reliance on authority or position. It is the ability to lead and motivate by providing clear direction, encouraging two-way communication and creating enthusiasm and team spirit.
Ø How do you get others to help you?
Ø Tell me about a time when your leadership was challenged
Ø Have you had to motivate others to achieve a goal?
Ø Take me through an incident when you were not happy with the way your leader was performing, what did you do?
Ø Tell me about a time when you have had to support an individual in meeting requirements
Ø When is it necessary to take control / facilitate?
Ø How do you think your subordinates would describe you as a leader?
Ø Tell me about an employee who became more successful as a result of your management
Ø What do you feel are the biggest challenges faced in leading a team?
Ø Tell me about a situation when you took control of a project or task that was in trouble. Was there resistance? How did you handle it? What did you do to achieve a successful solution?
Ø Tell me about a time you had to manage remotely or indirectly and couldn’t have hands-on interaction. How did you accomplish this? Was it effective? Why or why not?
Ø >How do you hold your employees accountable for results? How do your employees know they have succeeded in meeting those results?
Ø Tell me what the mission of your group or organization is. How did you communicate the mission to your organization? How do you know others have aligned behind the mission and are working to this end? Did you engage others to help communicate the mission? If so, who?
Ø Tell me about a time when you had to delegate an important assignment. How did you determine who received the assignment? What steps did you take to set up the assignment?
Teamwork / Collaboration
Is the determination to work co-operatively with others within the immediate team and beyond, focusing on and committing to the objectives and requirements of the business. It is about the willingness to help others and contribute to a team.
Ø Tell me about a situation where another team within your department/area/line of service has asked for help. How did you react?
Ø Individuals usually fit into natural roles within a team, what is your natural role? How have you used this to help the team achieve its objectives?
Ø Teams do not always work well together; it often takes hard work and intervention to keep things running smoothly. Can you think of a time when you had to deal with conflict within the team? Tell me what happened.
Ø What role did you play in the last team meeting?
Ø Give me an example of when good team working benefited the organisation?
Ø How do you support the team?
Ø How do you deal with a team that is unfamiliar to you?
Ø How do you manage a team for whom you do not have line management responsibility?
Ø >Describe a time when a dependency on another person’s work made it difficult to achieve a goal. How did you handle it? What was the result?
Ø Tell me about the best team you’ve worked on. What was your contribution to the team that helped make it a good team?
Ø Tell me about the worst team you’ve worked on. What did you do to try to turn the situation around?
Ø Tell me about a time you were responsible for getting two teams to work together. What did you do to facilitate this? Was it effective? Why?
Ø When has the morale of your team been the highest? Why? What did you do to create a feeling of belonging in the team?
Ø Tell me about a time when you worked with a group outside your organization to achieve a mutual goal. How did you identify the group? What specifically did you do to enable the collaboration? What were the issues in getting that group to cooperate? What things could have been done differently?
Ø Tell me about a time that groups outside your organization looked to you or your team to partner on a common goal. How did you respond? How was the idea to collaborate supported or not supported?
Ø Tell me about a time when a partnership between groups did not work well. What were the issues that prevented collaboration? How might better collaboration have been achieved?
Ø Give me an example of a time when you were able to build a long-term relationship with another team that was mutually beneficial? Specifically, what was your role in making this happen? Why was this relationship beneficial to your team? To the other team? To the larger organization or company?
Goal focused / Commitment
Accepts targets for achievement and delivers, setting personal goals to ensure continuous “stretch” and development. Realistic in assessing progress towards delivery and plans and prioritises own work to achieve outcomes.
Ø What are your most important long-term goals?
Ø Tell me about a time when you failed to reach a goal.
Ø What have you learned about using deadlines to motivate teams?
Ø What would you consider the 3 most significant accomplishments in your business life?
Ø What basis do you use for measuring your own performance?
Ø What have you done to further your own development in a job?
Ø Tell me about a project you worked on that had an aggressive timeline. How did you proceed? What did you do to ensure project objectives were met?
Ø Tell me about the last time one of your projects fell off track. How did you identify it was off track? What did you do to get it back on track?
Conceptual Thinking
The ability to think broadly, on a large scale, identifying patterns or connections between situations that are not obviously related. It is the ability to understand the whole picture; to draw conclusions from diverse information and to identify underlying issues in complex situations.
Ø Can you tell me how your work impacts others in the company? (Look for breadth of answer)
Ø How does your role contribute to the success of the company?
Ø Can you tell me about a time when you were able to identify a solution to a problem that wasn’t obvious? How did you identify the solution?
Ø >Can you describe the structure of the organisation and how each department contributes to the success of the company?
Ø Can you tell me about a time when you had a challenge which was so complex it was difficult to find the underlying issues?
Ø Can you tell me about the most significant strategic contribution you have made to achieving organisational success? What were the business imperatives? How did you decide on the appropriate strategy? What impact did it make to the overall outcome?
Ø What do you do to enhance your own creative thinking? How do you foster creativity in your staff? How do you get other people to think “outside the box”?